FDA, Doctor, and Patient Approved

The UroGold 100

The SoftWave Therapies Stem Cell Machine, powered by TRT, is an exciting, breakthrough treatment option in the field of regenerative medicine. It is an advanced, effective, non-invasive, and safe way to treat painful musculoskeletal conditions, degenerative conditions, and chronic pain.  All without needles, anesthesia, medicine, or expensive hospitalization

Rigorously tested in Europe (labeled MTS Sparkwave in Europe) over the past decade, The Stem Cell Machine powered by TRT and SoftWave Therapies has made its way to the United States and is changing lives for the better. 

The LithoGold 380

The LithoGold is a Spark Gap, German manufactured machine – whose design team was involved in the design of the Dornier HM3, HM4 and the LithoTron.  The Litho Gold has the largest blast path of any Lithotriptor on the market (16 x 99) with a depth of penetration of 16.5cm. 

Rigorously tested in Europe (labeled MTS Sparkwave in Europe) over the past decade, The LithoGold 380 powered by TRT and SoftWave Therapies has made its way to the United States and is changing lives for the better. 

Interested in purchasing a device for your practice, sports team, or personal use?

Contact Us Today!